2020 Presidential Campaign Dates

Interracial Group of People Waving Small American Flags
[UPDATED: 8/14/20]

Election Dates

The right to vote is an integral element to the United States electoral system. With the 2020 Presidential election rapidly approaching, it is imperative to follow along if you plan on participating. Throughout the next year, there will be many important dates and events to remember in order for you to exercise your right to vote. Passionate support for a candidate is well and good, but making an informed decision on who you vote for is important on guiding the direction of your town, county, state, and country.

We have aggregated major 2020 campaign dates to ensure that you to stay updated during the election season.

2019 Dates

While the elections aren’t until November 2020, the campaign trail starts in 2019. The Democratic Party held six debates over the course of 2019. They have planned for four more for the first part of 2020.

At the time of writing this post, the Republican Party has not scheduled any debates.

2019 Democratic Debate Schedule

    • June 26-27

Candidates addressed a variety of topics and their involvement from Medicare for All, environmental dangers, and geopolitical issues. NBC hosted the debates on their networks.¹

Watch the full debates on NBC’s YouTube channel here and here.

    • July 30-31

Candidates addressed healthcare and immigration primarily. CNN hosted the debates.²

Full transcripts of the debates can be found on NBC’s site here and here.

    • September 12

Candidates primarily debated over healthcare. However, they also touched on foreign relations and pulling forces out of Afghanistan. ABC and Univision aired the most recent Democratic debate.4

You can read the full transcript of the third Democratic debate on ABC’s website or watch the debate on ABC’s YouTube Channel.

    • October 15

The 12 qualifying candidates discussed a wide range of topics including the impeachment inquiry, foreign policy, and job loss due to automation. CNN and The New York Times hosted the debate.5

You can watch the debate on CNN’s website or read the full transcript on The Washington Post.

    • November 20

The fifth 2019 Democratic Debate was held on November 20th and hosted by MSNBC and The Washington Post.6 Candidates addressed racial inequality, Medicare, and housing.

You can watch the debate on MSNBC or read the transcript on NBC News.

    • December 19

The sixth 2019 Democratic Debate was held December 19th. PBS NewsHour and Politico hosted the event.7 Candidates addressed the on-going impeachment process, changes in trade, healthcare, and foreign policy.

Watch the full debate on the PBS NewsHour YouTube Channel or read the transcript at The Washington Post.

This was the last Democratic debate of the year.

2020 Dates

Zoomed in Portion of the American Flag

Most of the election cycle will take place over the course of 2020. From February until November, candidates will campaign across the country in bids to gain traction over their opponents.

2020 Democratic Debate Schedule

    • January 14

The seventh Democratic candidate debate was hosted by CNN and The Des Moines Register. Participants discussed foreign trade and relations as well as healthcare, prescription drug prices, impeachment, and climate change.8

Watch the full debate on CNN or read the transcript on Rev.com.

    • February 7

Healthcare was a major topic for the candidates. But, they also addressed their electability and foreign and domestic policies.

Hosted by ABC, WMUR-TV, and Apple News. You can watch the full debate on the ABC News YouTube channel.9

    • February 19

As with most of the previous debates, the discussed topics varied. But, common topics included climate change, electability, and domestic policy. This was the first debate Michael Bloomberg participated in.

Hosted by NBC News and MSNBC. You can watch the full debate at NBCNews.com or read the transcript here.10

    • February 25

The seven candidates discussed much of the same topics including electability and domestic and foreign policies. Hosted by CBS News and The Congressional Black Caucus Initiative.

Watch the debate on the CBS New YouTube channel or read the full transcript here.11

    • March 15

Only two candidates, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, qualified for this debate. Both candidates discussed the coronavirus pandemic, our healthcare system, and the economy.

This Democratic debate was hosted by CNN, Univision, and CHC Bold. Watch the full debate on CNN.com or read the transcript at Rev.com.12

Once the Democratics decides who will represent the party, most of the 2020 race will consist of the states holding primaries or caucuses.

Primary or Caucus?

What is the difference between primaries and caucuses? The difference between the two can be confusing as they accomplish the same goal; they determine which candidates will run for the presidency.

Caucuses are localized meetings where registered voters gather to elect delegates who will attend conventions to elect political candidates. Typically, attendees may only attend caucuses that are held by their registered party.

Primaries are statewide voting processes that allow voters to directly choose their preferred candidate. Registered voters submit secret ballots for their chosen candidate which are then tallied. There are two types of primary; Open Primaries and Closed Primaries. In an open primary, an individual may cast a vote for any valid candidate no matter their registered party, and in a closed primary, votes may only be submitted for candidates within an individual’s party.³

Primary & Caucus Dates

The primaries and caucuses held across the country are scheduled ahead of time for voters to prepare and educate themselves on the potential candidates.

Some states pushed their primary dates back due to public health concerns.

Click here for a full list of primary and caucus dates by state and territory.

Party Conventions

Once the primaries and caucuses have ended, the Democratic and Republican parties will hold conventions. These conventions are held to announce the official presidential candidates from each party. The nominations will be announced here and the last few months of campaigning will begin.

The Democratic National Convention was pushed back from July to August.

Convention Dates:

  • Democratic National Convention: August 17-20, 2020 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Republican National Convention: August 24-27, 2020 in Charlotte, North Carolina

Voting Reminders

Word Board Reads "Voting Day," "I Voted" Stickers Next to Sign

Election day is November 3rd, 2020. In order for you to exercise your right to vote, you will need to register. Each state has its own laws concerning registration deadlines, so be sure you check to see if you are registered or how to register with a site like Vote.org.

Also check to see if your state has early voting procedures or vote by mail options. Military service members and spouses have the option to participate in absentee voting if they are stationed away from their residence.

Yard Sign featuring the Seal of the President of the United States, Text Reads "2020 Presidential Candidates"

Find out where your closest polling station is and make sure it is within your precinct, and help others find your station with directional yard signs. You will be assigned a polling station based on your address, so you will need to go there in order to cast your ballot. If you go to a different station, you will not be listed and not allowed to vote.

Inauguration Day

Inauguration day for the 2020 elections is January 20, 2021. This will mark the start of the new or continued administration based on the results from the election.


CustomSigns.com is your destination for all of your election and political signage. Find proposition signs, signs for local elections, signs by presidential candidate, and more.


Get Out the Vote, Shop Political Signs, Get 20% Off Next Order with Code VOTE2020, Vote Sign on Lawn in Front of House

We will update this post when new information becomes available.

Primary & Caucus Dates

NOTE: Many of these dates are still subject to change.

Month Date State & Type
February 3rd Iowa caucuses
11th New Hampshire primaries
22nd Nevada Democratic caucuses
29th South Carolina Democratic primary
March 3rd Alabama Primaries
American Samoa Democratic caucus
Arkansas primaries
California primaries
Colorado primaries
Maine primaries
Massachusetts primaries
Minnesota primaries
North Carolina primaries
Oklahoma primaries
Tennessee primaries
Texas primaries
Utah primaries
Vermont primaries
Virginia Democratic primary
Democrats Abroad primaries
10th Idaho primaries
Michigan primaries
Mississippi primaries
Missouri primaries
North Dakota caucuses
Washington primaries
12th Virgin Islands Republican caucus
14th Guam Republican caucus
Northern Marianas Democratic caucuses
15th Northern Marianas Republican caucuses
17th Arizona Democratic primary
Florida primaries
Illinois primaries
24th American Samoa Republican caucus
April 4th Hawaii Democratic primary
7th Wisconsin primaries
10th Alaska Democratic primary
17th Wyoming Democratic caucuses
28th Ohio primaries
May 2nd Guam Democratic caucus
Kansas Democratic primary
9th Wyoming Republican conventions
12th Nebraska primaries
19th Oregon primaries
June 2nd District of Columbia primaries
Indiana primaries
Maryland primaries
Montana primaries
New Mexico primaries
Pennsylvania primaries
Pennsylvania Democratic primaries
Rhode Island primaries
South Dakota primaries
6th Virgin Islands Democratic caucuses
7th Puerto Rico Republican primary
9th Georgia primaries
West Virginia primaries
23rd Kentucky primaries
New York Democratic primary
July 7th New Jersey primaries
Delaware primaries
11th Louisiana primaries
12th Puerto Rico Democratic primary
August 11th Connecticut primaries
Cancelled Alaska Republican conventions
Arizona Republican primary
Hawaii Republican caucuses
Kansas Republican caucuses
Nevada Republican caucuses
New York Republican primary
South Carolina Republican primary
Virginia Republican primary


  1. Ballotpedia – June 2019 Democratic Debates
  2. Ballotpedia – July 2019 Democratic Debates
  3. FactCheck
  4. Ballotpedia – September 2019 Democratic Debates
  5. Ballotpedia – October 2019 Democratic Debates
  6. Ballotpedia – November 2019 Democratic Debates
  7. Ballotpedia – December 2019 Democratic Debate
  8. Ballotpedia – January 2020 Democratic Debate
  9. Ballotpedia – February 7, 2020 Democratic Debate
  10. Ballotpedia – February 19, 2020 Democratic Debate
  11. Ballotpedia – February 25, 2020 Democratic Debate
  12. Ballotpedia – March 15, 2020 Democratic Debate

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Those Plastic Yard Signs

Recycle Plastic Yard Signs

Table of Contents
Recycle Yard Signs
Perils of Plastic
Where to Recycle
Ideas for Reuse

Whether yours is a red state or a blue state, help turn your state green by responsibly recycling the thousands of corrugated plastic election signs that sprout up everywhere each campaign season. No matter who wins at the polls, we all win by recycling!

The Perils of Plastic

Tons of plastic and metal crowd our landfills each year, where they remain for thousands of years before breaking down. Additionally, landfills are limited to specific sizes, so once they’re full, new landfills must be created.


Because they are entirely recyclable, those corrugated yard signs most commonly seen covering yards and street corners during election season are one less thing we can send to landfills by using a bit of ingenuity.

Recycle Those Yard Signs

Many local curbside recycling programs do not accept campaign yard signs or their metal stakes and frames; fortunately, they are completely recyclable elsewhere. Specially designated recycling drop off centers are designed to wash, shred, and melt these plastic boards (or convert  them to plastic pellets), which are transformed into useful items including trash cans, beach chairs, toys, or other things made of heavy plastic. The metal stakes and frames can be taken to locations that accept metal, including local businesses that often pay for scrap metal to be used in future projects.

Creative Ways to Transform Election Signs

Repurposing those post-election season yard signs is an inexpensive, useful way to keep them from loading up landfills while enjoying a bit of creative fun during the process. These are some of our favorite ideas:

  • Keep those yard sale signs off utility poles and market your message to the masses. Spray paint the signs and stencil away. Include your address, the day and time of your sale, and even a few of the items bargain hunters may find!
  • Get creative! Spray paint those yard signs for celebrating lots of wonderful events, including baby’s arrival, birthday parties, graduations, open houses, lemonade stands, and more.

Lemonade Stand Yard Sign

  • Wintertime fun! Larger corrugated yard signs are perfect for sledding down snow covered hills and are lightweight and easy to carry back up the hillside for even the smallest sledding snow bunnies.
  • Season’s greetings! The metal stakes, also known as H-stakes, used to hold yard signs, are perfect for anchoring holiday yard décor and keeping your favorite decorations from being blown over (or away!) by those blustery winter winds.
  • Mark those milestones! Prime your yard sign with bonding primer, grab some chalkboard paint, and create your own custom chalkboard. Perfect for marking first days of school or practicing those math facts or handwriting skills over and over again.
  • H-stakes also make sturdy props for supporting your growing vegetable, plant, and flower gardens.

Vegetable Garden

  • Corrugated yard signs make terrific yard helpers as makeshift dustpans for sweeping up leaves and other debris.
  • Corrugated yard signs are lightweight, sturdy, and easy to cut. Measure the bottoms of your reusable shopping bags and add your custom inserts for a bit of extra (and waterproof!) stability. The boards slide into your folded bags for easy storage.
  • Yard signs make ideal surfaces (or ‘drop cloths’) for spray painting smaller projects – by protecting patios, driveways, and yards from misting paint.
  • Design your own vinyl decal to cover your corrugated signs, an economical way to transform your yard signs and share a brand new message!

Whether you have a few yard signs or enough to spread throughout the whole neighborhood, transforming them into new signs or garden helpers is a terrific way to reduce, reuse, and recycle! Let your imagination lead the way!

Get 20% Off Your Order with Code CSIGN20, Vote Arrow Sign

Create Custom Signs & Banners with our Online Design Tool

Not sure how to create your custom signs? Our design wizard is perfect for quickly and easily creating your own custom signs, banners, name plates, stickers, and more. Here, we share our most frequently asked questions and answers to get you on your way to easily designing and placing your order!

What is the Customsigns.com Design Wizard? 

Our design wizard is a tool that allows you to design your own custom products, including signs, banners, name plates, license plates, stickers, and more. Customers are able to choose from a wide variety of custom options (depending upon the product) including size, personalized text, font type, color, size, and style, and the option to upload custom art, images, photos, or company logos.

What kinds of files are best for uploading logos or images?

PNG and JPEG files are best for uploading logos or other images because they produce clear, accurate results. PDF files are not recommended since this format produces low quality images and inaccurate colors. For a precise color match, please include exact color codes.



Design Tip – If a white background appears behind the uploaded logo or other image and you have chosen a different background color, be sure to upload an image with a transparent background. If you don’t have a file with a transparent background, simply request, in the special instructions section, that the white background be removed. If using vector art, be sure to convert it to a PNG file.  Some design your own products include an option to remove the white background. To do so, click the “remove white box” button on the options tab of the design wizard.

What is the best way to enter multiple lines of text on one design?

To add text, click the “add new text box” from the text tab in the design wizard. As text is entered, it will appear on the design template on the left. For multiple lines of text, use a separate text box for each individual line.

Can duplicate items be created from a single template in the Design Wizard?

Once an item has been designed and added to the shopping cart, simply select “order a new design based off this design” and a duplicate product is created. Simply edit the text and/or image(s) needed and add to shopping cart. Don’t forget to use the design wizard’s “save” button to conveniently save individual designs to your account for future use.

To easily make changes to your text, select each individual text box, then edit the text in the design wizard on the right. We recommend using the backspace button for removing text. The delete button will reset the font.

What is the Bulk Item Wizard and how is it used?

The “bulk item wizard” button allows duplicate products to be created once an original has been designed. When the original design is complete, choose “show bulk order form” (green button below design field) to view the “bulk order builder”. Simply insert new text and/or image for each new design, as shown in the image below.  This is an efficient way to ensure that each individual item contains the appropriate text and/or image.

Reordering saved designs is as easy as 1-2-3!

To reorder a previously saved design, simply log into your account and choose “my saved designs” from the bottom of the list shown on the left. Choose “order design”, make any desired edits, and save changes. When the new order is submitted, your new design will be created. If you would like to save this new design, remember to select the save button.


Choose the Best Materials to Make Your Signs Work for You

Have you ever considered how many times a day signs affect your life? Road signs, menu board signs, entrance, exit, and restroom signs, grocery store signs, storefront signs, election signs, movie marquis, the list is endless!  We continually look to signs for information and guidance, often without being consciously aware. According to NVISION, a supply chain management organization, 90 percent of the information transmitted to our brains is visual, and most people are 6.5 times more likely to recall visual information after three days than auditory information.  Well thought out signs are ideal for relaying messages that you want or need others to know and remember.

Once you have developed your message, displaying that message on the appropriate sign is equally as important. Materials matter. Quality custom signage is a worthwhile investment that is most likely to return dividends far beyond its initial cost. Here, we’ll answer some key sign questions that will help you make informed, effective decisions about which signs will best meet your needs.

Vote Signs CustomSigns.com

Three Best Outdoor Sign Materials

What is Sintra Board?

Sintra Board is one of the best sign materials for withstanding extreme weather conditions and maintaining its integrity through long term exposure to the elements. This rigid, weatherproof, non-flexible paneling material is made from PVC (polyvinyl chloride), resists warping or bending, and does not break easily. Sintra Board effortlessly absorbs color and has a low gloss, matte finish.  Often used for permanent outdoor signage, Sintra Board also is ideal for real estate and yard signs.

What is Coroplast?

The brand name for corrugated plastic, Coroplast is also referred to as plastic cardboard. An ultra-lightweight zigzagged Coroplast sheet is placed between two smooth sheets of plastic to form signs of various shapes and sizes. While Coroplast is durable, waterproof and weather resistant, it is an economical option best used as temporary outdoor signage, for example, election signs, holiday special signs, car wash signs, open house signs, or custom neighborhood yard signs, just to name a few. Coroplast is easily affixed to H-Stakes or mounted into frames for ready-to-go use.

What is Dibond?

Dibond is an aluminum composite that is made by filling two aluminum sheets with a polyethylene core. Exceptionally durable and resembling the structural integrity of metal, Dibond can be cut into a variety of custom shapes and sizes, perfect for creating signs that stand out from the others. This lightweight, rigid material is weather resistant, noncorrosive, available in a multitude of colors, and can be made with a matte, glossy, or mirrored finish. Because of its versatility and appeal, common uses include outdoor signage and temporary setups such as kiosks or exhibition stands.

The Best Indoor Sign Materials

What is Gator Board?

Commonly used for temporary yard signs, Gator Board is a firm, lightweight material ideal for permanent indoor signs. Manufactured from a dense foam interior placed between two wood fiber veneers, these veneers superbly  absorb vivid, full color inks and images that will stand the test of time. Water, scratch, and dent resistant, Gator Board is known for its structural integrity. Gator Board also is used for mounting posters and photographs and makes attractive conference or temporary kiosk displays.

What is Foam Core?

Best for indoor and temporary uses, foam core is made of a dense piece of foam placed between two layers of thick matte paper. With its low glare finish and versatility, it is often used for classroom projects like science fair displays. Foam core also works well for presentations or temporary store displays.

What is Ultra Board?

Because Ultra Board is made with a covering of polystyrene plastic, it is considered one of the most durable indoor sign materials. This material is scratch and warp resistant and is able to be cut or folded to support its own weight, for example freestanding life size Ultra Board cut outs that often feature celebrities.

At Customsigns.com, our Design Your Sign From Scratch page is the ideal starting point for creating signs that will perfectly fit your needs. Follow our link to get started today!

Can Yard Signs be Recycled?

Most yard signs are recyclable! If your yard signs are made of corrugated plastic (Coroplast) and metal H-Stakes, simply separate the stakes from the signs and place them in your recycle bin or drop them at your nearest recycling center.  Polypropylene, a main component of most plastics, is not biodegradable. Therefore, recycling is a much better option than making a long term contribution to your local landfill.

What Other Signs or Sign Components are Recyclable?

Recycling guidelines vary widely within counties, communities, and other municipal jurisdictions. To help you determine whether your specific signs (or parts thereof) are recyclable, contact your local recycling facility. In addition, below are the most common recycling symbols and the materials they represent.

1 – Polyethylene Terephalate Ethylene (PETE)

Soft drink, juice, water, detergent, cleanser, cooking, and peanut butter jars.

2 – High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

Milk and water jugs, bleach, detergent, and shampoo containers, plastic bags and grocery sacks, motor oil bottles, household cleansers, and butter tubs.

3 – Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)

Window cleaner, detergent bottles, water jugs, cooking oils, and peanut butter jars.

4 – Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)

Plastic bags and grocery sacks, film packaging, and some bottles.

5 – Polypropylene (PP)

Syrup bottles, yogurt tubs, caps, straws, and film packaging.

6 – Polystyrene (PS)

Egg cartons, meat trays, plates, flatware, carry out containers, and clear trays.

7 – Other

Resins or plastic combinations.

For more information on how to make custom signs work for your business, please see our related blog posts:

Tips for Designing Visually Effective and Interesting Signs

Making Temporary Signs Work for You

Political Yard Signs, What You Should Know 

Making Temporary Signs Work for You

Chances are travelers notice hundreds of temporary signs as they trek through neighborhoods and cities, urban and suburban areas. Whether traveling by automobile, bus, train, taxi, or bicycle – even walking or jogging – public and private properties are teeming with temporary signage competing for attention.  If getting your signs – and your message – noticed is the name of the game, understanding the ins and outs of making temporary signage work for you is key!

What Are Temporary Signs?

Temporary signs are those designed to provide information for an event limited by a specific time frame. Examples include: political campaigns, real estate sales or rentals, construction sites, civic events, or any type of promotion aimed at the general public.  Temporary signs are also used as short-term signage solutions announcing “Coming Soon!” or “Remodeling Underway”, virtually any reason that permanent signs are not in place.

Custom Coming Soon Banner

Temporary signs come in many forms, including:

Banners – Signs made of durable, flexible materials that can be attached to walls or windows, hung from ceilings, and can be used indoors or out, depending upon the material the banners are made of

Political/Election Signs – Signs made especially to promote a candidate or a political agenda; typically these signs are only permitted to be displayed on private property and must be removed a specific number of days after voting has taken place

Real Estate Signs – Signs designed to advertise the sale or rent of specific properties, whether private or commercial; these signs are non-illuminated and are generally limited to one sign per property

Construction Signs – Signs erected at construction sites displaying individuals or businesses that are associated with a project; usually only one temporary sign is permitted per construction site

Directional Construction Signs – Signs directing those visiting construction sites and/or making deliveries to proper entrances and exits

Wayfinding Signs – Signs strategically placed to guide and/or direct pedestrian or vehicular traffic when temporary detours are required

Yard Signs – Outdoor signs that can be single or double sided, designed to display a message to passersby; these signs are free standing and often supported by H-stakes

Light Boxes – Illuminated boxes of various sizes that can be free standing or affixed to a wall; interchangeable letters, numbers, and symbols allow temporary messages to be displayed and changed as needed

Indoor Temporary Signs – Signs made to inform people of temporary situations, such as when something is “Out of Order” or “Temporarily Out of Stock”; custom temporary signs that can easily be attached with Velcro give a much more professional appearance than a handwritten or computer printed piece of paper affixed with tape

What are the Benefits of Temporary Signs?

Temporary signs provide an exceptional platform for sharing your message with the masses. These signs are a cost effective marketing tool that can help your business – or your candidate – stand out from the competition. These signs can be exceptionally helpful in promoting a home-based business where additional signage is impractical and/or not permitted.

Additionally, temporary signs are easy to install and remove as needed. Durable, lightweight, and often weather resistant and reusable, temporary signs are portable and help to support the tried and true adage that location is everything!

What Are the Challenges of Temporary Signs?

Some of the biggest challenges for posting temporary signs are the varying rules and regulations in place throughout the country. These can be based on the density of a given area as well as local zoning laws. Public safety is also of concern, for both pedestrians and moving vehicles. Rules may be in place limiting the number of temporary signs that can be posted in a given area, as well as standards that specify font sizes and contrast levels to reduce potential accidents caused by those attempting to view hard to read signs. To make temporary signs stand out and effectively relay your message, less is more. Convey your message in clear, concise language with simple graphics and fewer colors to reduce visual clutter and enhance readability.

Historic districts often also have their own set of special regulations designed to maintain the integrity of local historic districts or landmarks. A temporary sign should never take away from the historic character of these thoughtfully preserved areas.

Urban vs Suburban Signs

Urban areas, such as bustling downtown districts, often have greater pedestrian and vehicle traffic than their suburban counterparts. Therefore, it is important to plan temporary signage that has a compelling, effective message that is clearly visible to travelers quickly moving from one destination to another. Successfully, and safely, catching a potential customer’s or voter’s attention is the name of the game.

Creating effective urban signage is not without its challenges. Often, clutter becomes a concern when an abundance of temporary signs are vying for prime visual space. Additionally, urban areas typically have countless permanent (most often illuminated) signs as far as the eye can see.

Customsigns.com carries an exceptional selection of customizable temporary signs sure to meet your needs. Our Customer Focus Team is here to guide you or answer any questions you may have along the way.

For more information on temporary signs, please see our related blog posts:

Tips for Designing Visually Effective and Interesting Signs

Political Yard Signs, What You Should Know